sábado, 8 de novembro de 2014


Hello, lil peppers!

Today I bring to you a little of my pink world. ^^
Who knows me closely, knows that I'm messy, tomboyish, not always care about vanity ... but I'm still a little girl like all others ... and who loooooves shades of pink!
This is a corner of my bedroom, where I sit to do my drawings, painting, snack or just play. So when I saw this so gorgeous pink outfit from ::Enchanted Bowtique:: I wanted to pose with it in the middle of these other pink things so loved by me.
✎ ::EB:: Anna Outfit - ::Enchanted Bowtique::@LazySunday TY
(includes tights and boots)
✎ Hair *115* - [Love Soul]
And continuing to talk about delicate things ... look with attention to the charming thing that is my freckles. Do you realize the little mark in the form of heart on my cheek? It's a overdose of cuteness! ~hahaha~
✎ {ud} Unicorn Faces [fresh cheeks]
✎ {ud} Unicorn Faces [nose freckles]
✎ {ud} Unicorn Faces [single <3 mark]
Gacha - {ugly duckling}@HelloBeautiful! TY

Wish you a great weekend and see you soon again!

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